Lucas ammeter
Lucas ammeter
My 1948 TC lost power while driving . The ammeter pegged. I disassembled it and found the copper wire came disconnected at the + side . I resoldered the connection . My car runs fine but the meter doesn't read the same .I'm in northern CA. I'd like to have it checked . Any suggestions ? Thanks
Re: Lucas ammeter
Call Craig Seabrook at the Whitworth shop, Novelty, Ohio. He may be able to direct you to a good repair house out west or have you send the unit to him in Ohio. I had him redo all of my gages when he did a new Burled Walnut dash for me on my '48.
Re: Lucas ammeter
Thanks Marv
Re: Lucas ammeter
You mean one of the 2 main connections at back came loose and made the car die? Hmmm. You can find a generic ammeter somewhere like a auto part store to check operation of dynamo. Nothing special about the particular lucas ammeter as far as function. How is it behaving odd?