Hi Folks,
how I already wrote, I commenced the examination of the excessive oil consumption of our TC. By that way I noticed the rockers being worn at their surface towards the valves. New ones would be a solution. The usual suppliers mostly do not have all the rockers needed. One offer is very temptating: a complete set for a very attractive price. I am sure these are made in India where actually they are out of stock (costs would be a fourth buying there) but can this be good quality? Anyone some experience with them? Do the other dealers use other sources?
Best regards
New Rocker set - a good idea ?
Re: New Rocker set - a good idea ?
It's common practice to have new bushings installed and reamed to fit the (new) rocker shaft, also have the pads resurfaced by a competent machine shop that does engine work. The pads are profiled, not flat!!!! Good to go....