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Firewall to front tub rail packing

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2019 1:43 pm
by Mark Strang
I'm trying to do a lot of things to figure out the end game with TC7801. The next one that comes up while fitting the doors is this. Since my car came in pieces, is there some sort of packing that goes between the bulkhead and the front tub frame rails perhaps to seal the two items? It'll could make a difference in the alignment of the tub and bulkhead when trying to get the doors to fit properly. Perhaps it is just a caulking which won't make any real difference. If it is a rubber piece then that thickness might affect the alignment.
Also, does anyone have an exploded view of the hinge assembly? Lots of little pieces. I think I can figure it out but I'm curious.
The door hinges are not all the same. I don't which ones are correct. Does anyone know of drawings for these of have some way to communicate the proper type to me?

Re: Firewall to front tub rail packing

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2019 5:39 pm
by timberstone
Rubber piece on bulkhead.docx
Rubber piece clamped to bulkhead
(529.36 KiB) Downloaded 322 times
Will try to attach photos of our recent packing of rubber (1/4") to the bulkhead firewall
No need to go any thicker than 1/4" or else you will place the coachworks tub too far to the rear
Also, Please do not over tighten firewall bolts through the rubber pieces to the bulkhead pieces.
Doing so will just distort the bulkhead sheet metal.
Just snug the bulkhead bolts until you get everything in place properly
Octagonally yours,
Robert Griffey

Re: Firewall to front tub rail packing

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2019 5:45 pm
by timberstone
Rubber piece on bulkhead.docx
(469.88 KiB) Downloaded 325 times
Second photo attached

Re: Firewall to front tub rail packing

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2019 7:06 pm
by Mark Strang
Robert, thanks for the great info. Is this the firewall packing strip that Abingdon Spares says is Item #4 in their catalog? Seems as if this is the item I am searching for. Makes sense to me that there is something that goes there.

Re: Firewall to front tub rail packing

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2019 9:45 am
by timberstone
The rubber strip was cut out of 1/4" type called EPDM
Probably the same that may be available from the spares providers

Re: Firewall to front tub rail packing

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2019 1:31 pm
by Mark Strang

I think I'll go with that. Seems to be the right thickness. Thanks.

Re: Firewall to front tub rail packing

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2019 12:28 pm
by Franz Tenbrock
never download a docx !
virus attck is possible
so please convert it to pdf !!! and erase the docx
it is to dangerous