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MG TC8204 now in The Netherlands - Came from a TABC Member!

Posted: Sat Oct 19, 2019 6:37 am
by Bart Sanders
Hello to you all!

My name is Bart Sanders from The Netherlands and I'm new to this forum, signed up yesterday.

I have a question relating to the history of our "brand new" MG TC8204.

Please read my posting on "Members Cars" and you will find the background information plus a picture.

In short: The one we have bought recently stems from a (once?) member of this forum, Mr. Bob Mendelsohn.
So, we would be very happy to make contact with him and ask about the history of TC8204, as far as he knows this.

Does anybody have some information on this topic?

Meanwhile, I'm browsing this website / forum finding lots of useful information. Great!

Best regards,

Bart Sanders
The Netherlands

Re: MG TC8204 now in The Netherlands - Came from a TABC Memb

Posted: Sun Oct 20, 2019 9:04 am
by frenchblatter
bert, I've copied your post above to the Yahoo email group for TABC. You may get some answers

Re: MG TC8204 now in The Netherlands - Came from a TABC Memb

Posted: Sun Oct 20, 2019 9:24 am
by Bart Sanders
Hello Norman,

Thanks for your help!

I stumbled across your restauration (and many more issues) blog. Great pictures of one truly original TC! Well, ok, the air in the tubes is not original anymore.... (-;

Regards and will check Yahoo,


Re: MG TC8204 now in The Netherlands - Came from a TABC Memb

Posted: Sun Oct 20, 2019 10:37 am
by frenchblatter
Bert, there's far more than the air that's not original. However, I have tried to keep it as it left the factory even though it has lots of repro parts.

It's now done about 6000 miles since the rebuild and is really getting nice. I drive it up the raod and think " this is great". The steering is wonderful and the engine has now freed off and goes a lot quicker than when it was "new". Can't wait for next summer.