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To spray or not to spray

Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2019 8:00 am
by jddevel
To spray or not to spray that is the question. I`ve an original TF1250 which runs very well and which mechanically has had a good deal of work done prior to and during my ownership. This includes an obvious engine rebuild of the original unit, a reconditioned gearbox and reupholstering and respectable brightwork. The timberwork is sound. However from close up the paintwork needs attention with some "cracking" on the wings and a couple of other odd places. My dilema is as I`ve another project awaiting my attention and already the ownweship of a restored TF1500 should I get the car resprayed in its original cream or offer it for sale as is thus allowing a new owner to respray if they feel it really necessary in a colour of their choice. Trouble is if I leave it -whats it worth?

Re: To spray or not to spray

Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2019 5:10 pm
by timberstone
Many times we have seen the attempt to use paint to cover a “multitude of sins,” but it usually does not work.
You say that the present paint is cracking in places. This probably means that in order to do the paint job correctly, that ALL of the paint should be removed down very close the metal. This process is a VERY expensive proposition, and quite time and effort consuming.
If not done correctly, a half-hearted paint job will actually decrease the value of the MGTF.
Spraying the MGTF properly will cost more than the estimated increase in value.
Octagonally yours,
Boxley (Robert and MGTC0820)

Re: To spray or not to spray

Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2019 5:14 pm
by Steve Simmons
timberstone wrote:
Wed Dec 11, 2019 5:10 pm
Spraying the MGTF properly will cost more than the estimated increase in value.
Agreed! Also it isn't clear if this is original paint or a previous re-spray. If original then I would definitely leave it alone. The next owner might be willing to pay more for the originality even if it's less than perfect.

Re: To spray or not to spray

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2019 1:30 am
by jddevel
I agree, the above comments have gone through my mind and actually there`s the conundrum and hence the question. I suppose it`s all down to a competitive price giving the buyer an incentive and choice. Without "attacking" the existing paintwork it`s difficult for me to ascertain whether it`s the original paint. Certainly the colour but I`ve no personal ability to confirm. I`ll just have to market the car and let potential buyers decide.

Re: To spray or not to spray

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2019 1:54 pm
by stephen stierman
Sounds like as several have mentioned a strip down to bare metal will be needed and this requires much expensive disassembly for a really nice job of it. I would safe myself a lot of money and a more difficult sale and let it go as is.