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Supercharged exhaust header mounting hardware

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2020 4:51 pm
by Josh_G
Hi All,

I have a blown TC with an side mounted Marshall 75. The car still runs a factory cast exhaust header/manifold that I would like to upgrade. See photos below.

It is still held in with standard "style" clamps, along with the blower manifold:

When searching online, most upgrade headers seem to no longer use the clamp style hardware.

What are my options? Short studs and nuts? Combination of studs, nuts and clamps (to retain the supercharger manifold). Have the the supercharger manifold incorporated into the exhaust flange?

Thank you

Re: Supercharged exhaust header mounting hardware

Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2020 8:06 pm
by Steve Simmons
I think the best approach would be to weld risers onto the header plate, and then use thick washers in place of the clamps like MGA, MGB, etc. All you really need to do is make up the difference in thickness. It's hard to tell if there's room to do that though, so a mock-up might be useful. On a supercharged MGB engine I have with tubular header, I machined some spacers with a step in them to slip on under the nut and washer. It works well.

Some headers have the intake built in, which solves the issue. Derrington did not, or at least not the ones I've seen. Manley Ford makes them both ways depending on the application. So he may be able to answer your question better than anyone.