Inside fit rear arch wood to wheel well
Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2020 5:40 am
Back when I bought TC8126, I knew zero about the TC tub construction and woodwork. At that time, I followed TC's Forever advice regarding original wood, in that if any original wood was in good shape, to reuse it; Nice to have original factory wood if possible, too.
I replaced all my tub wood except both rear top wheel arch pieces and the piece it fits to (rear side rail and elbow piece).
I figured too that it was good to have this original shape, which would naturally fit my original rear wheel wells, which they do. I carefully drilled and dowel plugged any original holes so to have fresh wood for new screws before I installed the rear wheel wells.
Curious tho why the factory cut a taper on the bottom inside edge of the top rail pieces, as the rear wheel wells are a flat fit against the bottom of the rear rails at this intersection. I can only speculate there may have been an insulation pad on top of the inside wheel well area (under the vinyl cover) that extended under this inside taper, maybe to prevent body noise, allow for body flexing, or ?. Anyone have any thoughts on this? I dont think replacement wood sources include this taper cut.
Also to this, there is a pad or cut insulation that covers the inside of the rear wheel wells under the wheel well vinyl cover, correct?
I replaced all my tub wood except both rear top wheel arch pieces and the piece it fits to (rear side rail and elbow piece).
I figured too that it was good to have this original shape, which would naturally fit my original rear wheel wells, which they do. I carefully drilled and dowel plugged any original holes so to have fresh wood for new screws before I installed the rear wheel wells.
Curious tho why the factory cut a taper on the bottom inside edge of the top rail pieces, as the rear wheel wells are a flat fit against the bottom of the rear rails at this intersection. I can only speculate there may have been an insulation pad on top of the inside wheel well area (under the vinyl cover) that extended under this inside taper, maybe to prevent body noise, allow for body flexing, or ?. Anyone have any thoughts on this? I dont think replacement wood sources include this taper cut.
Also to this, there is a pad or cut insulation that covers the inside of the rear wheel wells under the wheel well vinyl cover, correct?