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My single carburetter TC

Posted: Sun Oct 13, 2013 6:37 pm
by ian theobald
Having owned my TC for just on 2 yrs and being constantly plagued with vapour lock problems thought that I would finally order a heat shield.
In preperation I re ajusted the braided fuel line so that it was further from the exhaust manifols and even on both sides only to discover that on start up it leaked like a severed artery.
I rolled the car back into my garage and thought since my car was going nowhere would remove air filter and balance pipe in preperation for when the heat shield would arrive.
The pistons looked pretty dirty on the carburettors and that was when I discovered that the front one was stuck solid !
I had often wondered whether my car was runnin g at peak performance as seemed to run out of breath at 4000 revs but always ran ok below those revs and on the open road.
The piston was eventually freed and cleaned as was the good one and with a small minature grinder was able to remove crimped ends off the braided fuel line and make one up with rubber fuel line as I was eager to see how the car now performs.
Instant start up and will rev to 5000 revs and more sporty performance so wonder now whether my vapour lock problems have been cured as it was always the 2 rear cylinders that had cold plugs.
New braided lines have been ordered as the hose from the fuel pump had been repaired in a similar fashion .
Ian theobald.

Re: My single carburetter TC

Posted: Sun Oct 13, 2013 8:07 pm
by olson_gene
Are you not worried that you have ruined the fuel economy of your car? With so much more power you may also attract the attention of the local police. The factory must have stuck that carb shut for a reason. :)

have fun speeding

Re: My single carburetter TC

Posted: Sun Oct 13, 2013 9:55 pm
by Steve Simmons
I'm sure you've already checked, but those screens can get yucky sometimes too. Might be worth cleaning or replacing them. Mine were caked in rusty looking crud when I got my car, although the tank itself was clear of any loose particles.

Re: My single carburetter TC

Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2013 2:28 am
by ian theobald
will certainly do so.when heat shield arrives . Sometimes things happen for a reason and Ive been lucky that every time has been close to home.
I seem to have the Midas touch as once I touch something it esculates into something bigger.
simple afternoon job of repacking wheel bearings ends up total replacement of kingpins and rebuilding of front hubs and discovering stub axles were back to front,well at least the beam axle was correct.
,likewise cleaning brake drums ends up in a job of resleeving wheel cylinders and total replacement of hoses ,master cylinder and brake pipes only to discover with all the extra braking power that front brake linings decide to detach from there brake shoes.
at least now I have decent brakes and steering.
On the subject of brake pipes , i wound galvanised wire by hand over newly formed steel bundy pipe and was proud of the finnish ,only to discover that it hides any leaks .
I noticed that the paint had blistered on passenger side of chassis where pipe goes though ,cause was a minor leak at joint where pipe meets front hose so is a good idea to leave a gap at end of junctions in case of leaks.
Eventually all these minor problems will be sorted and am lucky that are within the capabilities of a home mechanic.
In reply to Genes comment ,Dont you know that speeding fines or fuel economy are not an issue as . Hey I own a TC and am loaded [Not ] Was Thinking of hanging a shoe string over the mirror to remind me of the budget but remembered that I wear thongs [See my post on not wearing thongs in a TC ] See Ya Ian theobald

Re: My single carburetter TC

Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2013 8:38 pm
by Norman Tuck
This may be of interest to you. My TC suffered from vapor lock. The usual; the engine would not restart on a hot day unless I waited for the carbs to cool off.
I made some shields from a pattern that I found on the web, and they made things worse. I tried putting TF plastic spacers between the manifold and the carbs, but then my aftermarket air cleaners hit the bonnet and it would not close.
I later installed an aftermarket auxiliary fuel pump, just for redundancy if the SU failed, and I never had the vapor lock problem again.
I mounted the fuel pump, which I got at the local O'Reiley parts store, onto the frame, below the passenger door. I cut the fuel line there and used the rubber hoses that came with the pump. The fuel then runs through the SU pump, which remains in service as usual. The new solid state pump has an attached, disposable, fuel filter, which is also a plus. Note that I have converted my car to negative ground, otherwise the new pump may need to be isolated.
So, the new pump acts as an auxiliary if the SU fails, provides an effective fuel filter, and solved the vapor lock problem.
Just a suggestion.
Norman Tuck