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Engine stand for XPAG ?

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2015 6:37 am
by Erik Benson
Hi ! I want to build up my XPAG motor on an engine stand. Are the modern ones suitable ,or do I have to construct a one-off to do the job?
Surely someone out there has done this before. Any help will be gratefully received and acted upon !
Pictures or drawings. . . anything !!
Cheers. . . Erik
email. .

Re: Engine stand for XPAG ?

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2015 11:28 pm
by dirk w dondorp

Re: Engine stand for XPAG ?

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2015 11:55 pm
by Steve Simmons
I use a similar stand to the one Dirk posted. Four high strength bolts with washers go into the block (never into the aluminum pan). Works great, but you will need to remove the engine from the stand to work on the rear seal and flywheel. You can simply set it on a workbench for this part of the job, or construct one of those fancy side-mounted brackets.

Sorry I don't have a better photo handy, but this will give you the idea. Obviously we're looking straight down and the engine is rotated upside down.