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How to fix leak at Banjo fitting on brake M/C ?

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2016 5:50 pm
by pleask
Considering my recent posts can you guess what what I'm currently working on? :)

When I get the brake peddle up to a reasonable pressure to bleed the air out, I get a leak where the banjo joins the front/rear brake lines to the 3" rod of the M/C.

For once in my life, I was smart enough to buy some spare crush washers (FTFU) figuring this may happen somewhere along the line, but am hesitant to use them with our asking for some of your collective wisdom in this matter first on how to fix this. I have the nut tightened up as much as I dare....

I can think of only two things, either a fiber/rubber type seal with the copper washers, or get the faces of the banjo and 3" tube machined to ensure a perfect surface for the copper washers.

Any other ideas please? (or is this normal on a TC)

Re: How to fix leak at Banjo fitting on brake M/C ?

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2016 5:20 am
by Eric Worpe
Hi Pat, Old copper washers will have work hardened and thus cannot deform to suit the sealing surfaces. The trick is to heat the copper washers up to bright red heat, which should anneal them. After heating they can be plunged into cold water to limit any further oxidization or just left to cool naturally. I'd be wary of using fibre washers, as they are prone to splitting under compression.

Re: How to fix leak at Banjo fitting on brake M/C ?

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2016 8:34 am
by Steve Simmons
I typically replace copper washers in the braking system after two uses. They're cheap, and I hate leaks.