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Spark(ing) Plugs

Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2019 8:40 am
by Allan Chalmers
What's the latest thinking on plug types?  I have been using NGK BP6HS.  One has failed, so I am looking around.  My engine is a 1500 cc sleeved XPAG with a mild Crane cam, 1 1/2 SUs, mild head shaving.  Plugs are black and sooty, but I am running a bit rich.  Engine has 110 miles so far.
Allan Chalmers,  San Francisco

Spark(ing) Plugs

Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2019 6:25 pm
I am very happy with NGK plugs especially with the Iridium tips.

In the TC I have: NGK plugs BPR6HIX
In both my TD and 74 Midget MkIII I have: NGK plugs BPR6EIX

With these I notice all the engines run even smoother, but I can t say why. Recently drove a 600 Km outing with all three cars and never skipped a beat. Iridium is IMHO well worth the extra cost.

David in Bad Soden, Germany

Re: Spark(ing) Plugs

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2019 12:43 pm
by Steve Simmons
I've been running Champion L86C for the past 15 years on my TC with no issues. 9.1 compression, slightly warm cam and runs a bit rich. Some people have a strong preference for either NGK or Champion but I've used both in varying cars and don't have anything bad to say about either. I don't believe in platinum and other exotic plugs since our TCs will never run as clean as modern cars so we aren't able to see the benefits of longevity that they do with those things.