Original Chassis Primer and Paint

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Steve Simmons
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Original Chassis Primer and Paint

Post by Steve Simmons » Wed Nov 13, 2019 11:53 am

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Does anyone know what color the factory primer was on chassis parts? I have a TC frame here that hasn't seen the road in at least 40 years and I'm trying to figure out if the finish is original. I would automatically assume not, but the body wood is a bit rotten so it doesn't seem like the car was ever restored to the point that the frame would have been painted. The primer is sort of a brown-orange. Not reddish-brown like the rust preventing primers I'm used to seeing, but much more orange. The same primer appears on the scratched areas of the rear axle, and all over the inside of the rear brake plates as if the rear end was primed with the brake drums off, and then finished in black with the drums on.

If the finish is original then considering the excellent condition, I will probably leave it as it is and assemble the car. If it isn't original paint then I plan to strip and coat in something better.

I'll attach photos and hope Yahoo lets them through.

- Steve Simmons, TC8975 (and now 9849 also)
1949 TC8975 / XPAG 9609
1948 TC6011 / XPEG1182 (XPAG6472)

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