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Battery box finish

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2020 1:19 pm
by Mark McCombs
I finally am nearing having the front scuttle prepped for paint; It took forever to get the inside of the battery box prepped but thats done and the inside is finally ready for paint.

From what I can see from the original black paint that remained, it looked like regular semi-gloss black enamel. I thought I recalled the inside of the box was painted with bituminous paint (I guess an attempt at undercoating...It sure didnt work).

Does anyone recall this spec?

At this point, I may paint it with rustoleum and call it a day, or spray undercoat on the bottom surface only (which I suspect is what the factory did).

Any insights appreciated-

Re: Battery box finish

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2020 7:45 am
by Ray White
I didn't much like the idea of "black bituminous paint" as Sherrell describes it. I painted mine in red oxide and may line it in a dark red felt. I also disliked the idea of white felt liner to the tool box. That too will be dark red felt. The bulkhead is presently in new Reno red.

In addition to the battery in the box, I also have a remote brake fluid reservoir that has a copper pipe plumbed into the lid of a "bronze" type master cylinder. Drilling and tapping the lid of such an expensive new part was a bid nerve wracking but it has all turned out O.K.

Re: Battery box finish

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2020 11:11 am
by stephen stierman
Mark, mine is black Rustoleum and it probably was something like that originally. The tool box is white felt which turns ugly pretty soon after if you plan on putting tools and such in there.

Re: Battery box finish

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2020 5:37 am
by Mark McCombs
Thanks, Steve-

Ray, I agree and after all the prep work cant just cover it with undercoat, so semigloss black Rustoleum it will be.

I think I will also build a plywood box, just under the ID of the Batt Box, as a battery holder with a divider for extra storage in there.

Re: Battery box finish

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2020 4:14 am
by Ray White
I have placed a removable platform under the battery. Raising it a bit makes removal and fitting the battery just that bit easier. Unable to utilise the captive nuts in the bottom of the box for clamps, I have wedged a piece of wood between the battery and the inside of the box. It holds the battery securely and is easy to remove.