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Home paint spraying

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2020 2:50 am
by jddevel
What success have members had with DIY spraying. I`ve an inflatable booth, resiratory protection with a breathable full head mask but still wonder whether a cellulose paint or an epoxy primer with waterbased paint or just bite the bullet and use 2 pack with all its danders.

Re: Home paint spraying

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2020 7:08 am
by stephen stierman
Well it sounds like you have all the right stuff! I have sprayed a number of cars at home in my garage with the doors open. Complete cars and touch up work using mostly two pack (acrylic enamel with catalyst) and a few with cellulose (we call it lacquer over here). I have not used water based paint. I do leave my doors open and have a fan to keep the air circulating and use a respirator that is not air fed. I pick a calm day of moderate temperature, maybe after a rain to keep the dust down. Whether you have a booth or not, you will get dust in the paint, the two packs dry more slowly so get more dust than the lacquers. However you are going to color sand and buff your finish no matter what you use. This really works out reasonably well, particularly with a TC or similar car as you are spraying the bits rather than a fully assembled vehicle. So you can take your time and work to your own pace. I painted my TC in black lacquer (cellulose) other than the petrol tank and the under body parts. It is very forgiving and color sands to a wonderful smooth finish without orange peel and buffs to a nice gloss. However is it more fragile than the enamel based paints and tends to crack or check in areas of stress or movement which a TC has many of and also tends to shrink over time revealing sand scratches. After 15 years I finally went around the car and made some spot repairs, which are easily done to freshen things up a bit. I think if I had it to do over again I might paint the entire car in two pack.

Re: Home paint spraying

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2020 8:55 am
by jddevel
Thank you Stephen for your thoughts.

Re: Home paint spraying

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2020 9:08 am
by Franz Tenbrock
look what i have done in my garage -)
it was mipa 240-90 2k pu paint in black