TA Muffler Hanger

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Rob Reilly
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TA Muffler Hanger

Post by Rob Reilly » Sun May 16, 2021 12:18 pm

I have what appear to be the remnants of a muffler hanger, two pieces of steel brazed (not welded) on to the right hand side of the round cross bar in front of the battery supports.
They are curved and at an angle, as if they were one piece that wrapped around the muffler or a pipe.
I am inclined to think these are what's left of the original hanger.
Questions for today are:
Am I right; are these part of the original hanger?
Are they worth saving as is, should I add a length of steel to each one and make them as original, or should I grind them off?
What have others done for a muffler hanger on this bar?
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1937 TA 1271

Tom Wilson
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Re: TA Muffler Hanger

Post by Tom Wilson » Sun May 16, 2021 5:05 pm

Are these part of the original hanger? NOPE
Are they worth saving as is, should I add a length of steel to each one and make them as original, or should I grind them off? Get rid of them - grind them off.
What have others done for a muffler hanger on this bar? Nothing.

Downpipe in front of the muffler attaches with a bracket to the back side of the bellhousing on one of the bolts holding the bellhousing to the engine.
Muffler is bolted to the chassis rail with two bolts.
Rear Tailpipe is held at the back to the chassis with a clamp.
That's all you need - for an original setup.
If you're doing something non-original, work out a good solution.

Tom Wilson
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Rob Reilly
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Re: TA Muffler Hanger

Post by Rob Reilly » Tue May 18, 2021 6:34 am

Ok thanks Tom.

Looking more carefully, I see the two holes in the RH chassis rail between the hand brake and the cross bar, not mirrored on the LH side, so they must be for the muffler mounting. I was not sure that TA with MPJG engine would be the same as TC, but presumably it is.

Off with the extraneous bits. Then the chassis is ready for paint.
1937 TA 1271

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