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Lucas SP140 horn and dip switch

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2022 9:45 am
by jddevel
Confused over why I can`t get continuity to ensure operation before installation of my Lucas SP140 horn/headlight/dip switch. I have assumed that on depression I should get continuity between the cable normally connected to H on the ignition switch and that one connected to the horn? I have attached a couple of pictures with it dis-assembled. I assume that on depression the inner copper/brass coloured plate makes contact with the silver/chrome coloured plate. How should this make contact with the cable leading to the horn? If so have I something missing or has the internal terminal ( slotted screw holding the cable in place ) lost something or worn away. Anyone got any advice please?

Re: Lucas SP140 horn and dip switch

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2022 12:52 pm
by Franz Tenbrock
you know that the horn is switched against earth
all other lamps are switched on power !

the reason is that the horn has the highest consumption