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front wing fitting.
Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2022 7:22 am
by Ray White
Please could someone tell me if there should be packing of some kind between the underside of the front wing and the top of the chassis rail? With the front held down there is about 1/2" gap under the wing further back. These wings have led a hard life so nothing surprises me but I will need to use packing to get a good line. I just worry that the bonnet sides might not fit if I put too much in.
Re: front wing fitting.
Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2022 7:55 am
by Steve Simmons
There should be some packing there as I recall. There is also normally a significant gap between the bottom of the bonnet and the wing below, so this should give more than enough room to pad as needed.
Re: front wing fitting.
Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2022 8:22 am
by antijam
I fitted mine with a length of 1.5" x .063" hard rubber strip between the wing and the chassis.
With everything fitted I have a gap between the bottom of the bonnet and the wing of approx 0.5" on the right side and 0.75" on the left.
Re: front wing fitting.
Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2022 1:30 pm
by Ray White
Please excuse me for being an idiot (or sleep deprived!) but in the clear light of day I looked under the wing and realised I had not removed a 'prop'. With that out of the way the wing sat nicely down on the chassis and everything aligned perfectly.
My apologies for wasting everyone's time - although knowing what packing would be suitable has been a bonus.
Thank you everyone.