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Wiper motor wiring

Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 3:00 am
by antijam
I'm rebuilding my TC windscreen after stripdown and re-plating and would welcome some information on the routing of the windscreen wiper motor wiring.

I'm assuming the cable leaves the wiper motor and enters the screen at the hole arrowed yellow in the piccie below...
...running inside the screen frame and exiting via the hole arrowed blue?

Where does it then enter the body? My rebuild is a ground-up restoration with all new panelling...
1-P1270843.JPG most holes are missing! Looking at my original (very rusty) scuttle top, I notice there is a hole adjacent to the mountings for the screen frame, arrowed in this shot...
Would this be where the cables enters the body on route to the dash panel switch?

Any help gratefully received.

Re: Wiper motor wiring

Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 8:15 am
by Steve Simmons
You have it correct. It goes right through the little hole in the top of the scuttle.

Re: Wiper motor wiring

Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 8:54 am
by frenchblatter
it may help if you route the cable inside the screen frame over the corner joint.

Re: Wiper motor wiring

Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 2:51 pm
by antijam
Thanks for the input guys. No sooner do I ask the question than I come across a picture of a car confirming the answer......
1-$_572.JPG (62.91 KiB) Viewed 2231 times
Oh well - more info is better than none... :)