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Installation of XPAG Front Rope Seal

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2016 2:07 pm
by Paul Mascuch
The gasket kit for my XPAG contains two sections of graphite impregnated packing rope for the front engine seal. One piece goes in the grove at the front of the oil pan and the other goes in the groove at the bottom of the timing cover.

When the packing is installed a considerable amount of the packing sticks above the groove so that the hole for the front pulley is too small. Is there some trick to get the packing to set into the groove deep enough to allow the timing cover and oil pan to fit and seal on the front pulley shoulder?


Paul Mascuch

Re: Installation of XPAG Front Rope Seal

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2016 5:34 pm
by tcremesal
I just did mine . Moss makes a great modern replacement seal.