Where does TD tach cable pass through firewall/bulkhead
Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2017 8:09 pm
Trying to sort out how to route the tach cable from the generator to the tach on the dash of a US spec LHD car. For some reason it is not obvious to me! From online photos it would appear the cable routes behind the engine. Does it go through the trans tunnel cover or is there another hole there somewhere in the bulkhead? Thanks in advance. Tom
Car is making a little progress - my scruffy chicken coop find is cleaning up. My intent is to keep expenses on the car at a minimum (even leave the 1960's era Earl Scheib resale red paint job). Windshield was a mess, so off it went! Top fabric was missing and the bows were a mess... so off with those as well! It's only a handful of screws to put that all back on, and it all has to come off to restore properly anyway - so no worries. I had a proper set og grille slats in the barn and gave them an appropriate paint job. I'm a few weeks away from having a proper driver!
Car is making a little progress - my scruffy chicken coop find is cleaning up. My intent is to keep expenses on the car at a minimum (even leave the 1960's era Earl Scheib resale red paint job). Windshield was a mess, so off it went! Top fabric was missing and the bows were a mess... so off with those as well! It's only a handful of screws to put that all back on, and it all has to come off to restore properly anyway - so no worries. I had a proper set og grille slats in the barn and gave them an appropriate paint job. I'm a few weeks away from having a proper driver!