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Stage 2 wood frame finished at last

Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2017 1:01 am
by SteveW
After something of an unexpected epic, I have at last finished my stage 2 wood frame build (as defined in TC Forever). I spent ages trial fitting the wood on both sides and I could not get it symmetrical or looking right. I eventually traced this to the right hand side door post being wrongly made and that was throwing all the angles out.

I decided that I would make a new one myself using the left one as a mirror image template. I first of all tried this in pine, which was easy and then went on to ash, which proved to be much more difficult (with the tools at my disposal). One of the hardest bits was to get the joint exactly right so that the top of wheel arch wood sat in the correct place. This demanded sub-mm precision on the joint between the two. What you see in the pictures are a result of weeks of cutting, sanding trial fitting, careful measurement and repeating the process. As far as I can measure, the tub is now symmetrical down the centre line to within 1-2mm.

I've also adopted the strengthening bracket modification as recommended by MS in TC Forever More. You can see from the pictures that this is invisible once the correct reinforcing triangular bit is in place. However, I decided not to go for his side screen box modification as it seems like a step too far from the original for my liking.


Now on to stage 3 ...

Re: Stage 2 wood frame finished at last

Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2017 9:08 pm
by Marv
:thumbs: Very nicely done Steve, Keep the pics coming. I'm still on Stage 1...

Re: Stage 2 wood frame finished at last

Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2017 1:26 am
by Herman 5560
Looking fantastic. :bow:

Re: Stage 2 wood frame finished at last

Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2017 10:36 am
by XPAGnut
Curious what finish you have applied over the new wood? Looks like stain or maybe shellac or varnish?

Re: Stage 2 wood frame finished at last

Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2017 11:47 pm
by SteveW
It's black wood stain designed for out door use. No particular reason for using that over any of the many other wood protective products, other than not wanting to use a thick paint that stands proud of the surface. The lighter wood is the same stuff except in a different colour just because I had some to use up and it will end up being covered or painted again anyway.

Before applying it I also did two liberal coats of wood preserver (the very watery stuff that soaks right in). Should be good for another 70 years.

Re: Stage 2 wood frame finished at last

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2017 7:36 am
by Herman 5560
Remember your screenbox will have to be lined with felt. Do it before you cover it up too much.

Looking good. :thumbs: