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XPAG con rods

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2018 1:00 pm
by timandgerda
I have stripped down my engine as part of my TC restoration and have found the crank is cracked in 2 places (magnaflux crack testing revealed these). I understand that I will have to replace the crank but want to be sure I have the correct con rods - my engine is made up of odds and ends. Does anyone have dimensions for the con rods? I have read about weaker ones fitted to Morris engines but don't know how these compare to XPAG rods. My block is from a Morris although it has been bored out, but the cylinder head looks to be TD spec. Thanks. Tim.

Re: XPAG con rods

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2018 4:28 pm
by Tom Lange, MGT Repair
What are the casting numbers of the rods? I believe that Morris rods have the number MOWOG 22809, with a smaller diameter gudgeon pin, and are obviously lighter and weaker. MG TC, TD and TF1250 rods are casting 24005, and 168559 for TF1500 rods (heaviest). I'm going by memory here...

If you replace one or more rods, be sure that the weights are close to each other, and balance them carefully (have it done).

Tom Lange
MGT Repair

Re: XPAG con rods

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2018 6:45 am
by timandgerda
Thanks Tom - mine have 24005 on them so fingers crossed for the NDT check!

Re: XPAG con rods

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2018 1:20 am
by Marv
If the NDT finds a bad one, I've just put two good used ones up on eBay. $100 plus shipping, If you need them, I'll kill the listing and we'll go direct...

Re: XPAG con rods

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2018 10:47 am
by timandgerda
Thanks Marv - I will NDT them tomorrow and let you know.