Dave Dubois

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Steve Simmons
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Dave Dubois

Post by Steve Simmons » Sat Jan 19, 2019 10:13 am

This just reported from Doug Pelton. Very sad news about a valued member of the community...
This is a health update for those that know or have done business with Dave Dubois. I consider him the subject expert on our little tick tick SU fuel pumps. He is not doing well as you can see by his wife’s note below. If anyone would like to drop a note of encouragement Dave’s email is: sufuelpumps@donobi.net

Doug Pelton


This is Liz, Dave's wife, responding for him. Last February, after 13 years in remission, Dave's lymphoma returned with a vengeance. He was put on chemo therapy which we thought (hoped) was working. But by August the lymphoma bounded back and he went to a brutal 5-day chemo session in the hospital following by 15 days recovery at home. After 5 or the 6 planned cycle, it wasn't working and he was getting worse. The doctor switched him to an oral chemo, with the eye to getting him in condition to go to Seattle for CAR-T Cell Therapy. He also tried radiation to stop the pain in an enlarging mass on/in his lung. Nothing worked; we never made it to Seattle. He spent Friday in the ER, was back in the ER on Sunday and remained in the hospital until we brought him home Friday afternoon. He is now on Hospice...so very sad!. He has fought lymphoma since mid-February and, as he told me the other day, "I just want to go home". David, our son, came from Pennsylvania to help out and he has been a real blessing.

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Re: Dave Dubois

Post by jddevel » Sat Jan 19, 2019 11:59 am

Makes many of our own lifes problems seem so insignificant. Fight it and remain optimistic.

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