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TC Tub

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2020 9:38 am
by jddevel
Having removed the tub from my TC -ordered a replacement from Hutsons,it seems a shame to send the metalwork to the scrap and burn the timber. Open to suggestions. Doesn`t include the door and seat furniture. I`m 12 miles from Plymouth.

Re: TC Tub

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2020 10:03 am
by Steve Simmons
I you were closer then I'd be interested. It's much better than what I'm starting with.

Re: TC Tub

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2020 11:58 pm
by jddevel
And you`d be welcome. Unfortunately even by part container it would not be cost effective. One of the reasons I did not put it on the BSS site which appears to have more US contributors. Who knows whilst open to suggestions a TC Forever would be a good swap HaHa

Re: TC Tub

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2020 8:40 am
by SteveW
Put it on e-bay as a collection only and see what you get. Worst case scenario is that someone will take it away for you and save you the bother. However, I would be tempted to include a minimum price as there are components on the tub that are worth money - e.g. the bulls horn, outriggers and the hinges. If I had seen it at the start of my build I would have bought it to use as a template as parts of my tub were so rotten that it was hard to use that way. The other alternative would be to break it and sell the usable bits separate.

Don't think of it as only making a few pounds, think of it as a free whatever-it-is that you spend the money on during your restoration (your bank manager will thank you!).