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1951 TD speedometer- wanted
Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2015 3:15 pm
by Erik Benson
These look like the TC but have the small numbers. . .: S561. . .and below that : 1600.
One in KPH would be a big bonus, but I can get that done later.
Hope you can help me
I am in France.
Cheers . . .Erik
Re: 1951 TD speedometer- wanted
Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2015 10:17 am
by hughpite
Hi, I have a s561 chronometric spedometer in KPH. The turns per km is 1000 instead of the 1600 for a MPH speedo. It has recently been restored by West Vallet Instruments Specialists in the US. I don't think it has been used since the restoration. The dial face is in KPH and the odometers appear to also be in KM. Price is $500 USD plus mailing. I can send pictures if you are interested.
Cheers, Hugh
Re: 1951 TD speedometer- wanted
Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2016 2:18 pm
by Erik Benson
Hi Hugh . . .thanks for replying. Where are you ? Can you send me some pics please ? and . . . what axle ratio is the speedo set for- - do you know ? Sorry I took so long to reply. . . I don't often get round to checking !
My email is . . .
Cheers. . . Erik
Re: 1951 TD speedometer- wanted
Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2016 2:19 pm
by Erik Benson
Sorry. . .I don't know how to delete it all. . . I converted my own speedo. . . at Speedograph Richfield.