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New Aluminum Oil Filter Canister

Posted: Sat May 08, 2021 7:56 pm
by Steve Simmons
I have a NOS aluminum oil filter adapter that is surplus to my needs. Moss sold these back in the day. Replaces the stock throw-away filter. This one has never been mounted and includes the original, brand new filter insert and sealing ring.

Asking $80 plus shipping OBO. The insert itself retails for $79 so the canister is almost free! ;)

Re: New Aluminum Oil Filter Canister

Posted: Sun May 09, 2021 10:56 am
by Bob Grunau
After Steve sells his, I also have several of these complete oil filters for , Y, YT , TB, TC and early TD for sale.
Bob Grunau, 905-274-4136.