Dipping Reflectors

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Steve Simmons
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Dipping Reflectors

Post by Steve Simmons » Sun Dec 09, 2018 11:02 am

I'm trying to identify which of these (if either) is a correct TA reflector. The primary differences I note are:

1) One reflector has the pivot point visible from the front while the other is hidden
2) There are clips riveted into the pivot on one of them, perhaps for wiring
2) The shape of the bracket where it attaches to the outer rim is completely different
3) The fuse holder is in a different place
4) The shape of the area around the fuse holder is slightly different
5) The dimples around the rim are in different positions

Any ideas if one of these is TA, and what the other might be from?
1949 TC8975 / XPAG 9609
1948 TC6011 / XPEG1182 (XPAG6472)

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