Converting the Replacement TA,B,C air filter canister to a real air filter
(K&N Part number RC-4340)

by Ray McCrary

It is important to understand this operation is only valid on a replacement type air filter assembly such as that sold by Moss, etc. This unit has both the top and bottom constructed of alloy castings.

First disassemble the unit into its component parts as here.


Note the raised lip on the bottom casting. This is where the K&N filter element will attach. In the following photo, notice the shape of the K&N filter. This will allow the entire element to receive air. The overall height and diameter fits into the air cleaner housing (the black cylinder above).


Above is shown the lip on the filter, which fits over the raised area on the bottom of the filter assemble. The clamp is used to locate it positively.

Right is the K&N filter, showing the chrome top cover that will have to have a hole drilled through it in order to allow the pass-through bolt in the center of the filter canister to be able to hold the top of the assembly together. Note the shape of the element.


Our next step is to drill a 1/16" pilot hole in the exact center of the chrome top of the filter element shown above, then to follow with a 3/16" hole in order for the pass through bolt to clear.

Put heavy grease on the drill bit in order to capture any swarf. Under the chrome is rubber. The hole goes through into the interior of the element. This operation is shown here.


Next, we slip the assembly together. First the large clamp, then the filter element (the center bolt goes through the chrome snugly, and the underlying rubber seals around the bolt. You may wish to put a super small O-ring around the bolt if you boogered the hole up!


Next, we slip the outer canister over the element and down onto the base.


If we want the original appearance, we then insert a round piece of fine hardware cloth into top of the canister, trimming around the edges, and pressing it down onto the top of the K&N filter as shown next.


We then take a strip of hardware cloth, put it around the inside of the canister where the air intake holes/slots are located.


We then fill the inside of the canister with loosely packed coarse steel wool and add the top of the canister assembly.


That’s it!! Bolt it onto your T car, and drive it like you stole it!! These filters will last over 100,000 miles, are re-useable, stop the smallest particles (unlike the rock strainer the cars came with), and breathe better than any other filter.

