TC0489 in 1953.Second owner Bob Bunt, car in original condition.

TC0489 in 1956 Stripped for lightness, in action at King Edward Park Hillclimb, Newcastle.

TC0489in October 2010 at end of long restoration.

With daughter Linda overlooking Newcastle October 2010

Rear trim to original specs.

Owner/restorer Jeff . . . happy to have it finished at last!

Dash centre panel TC0489



MG TC Chassis No.TC 0489

Having delved into the history of a ex-Sydney MG TC for a friend in California with some success, I was inspired to extend the limited knowledge I had of the TC I am currently rebuilding, which I bought in many pieces about 1970. I knew it had a competition history with its owner in the 50's (Bob Bunt) and I remembered Bob as one of the "old hand" TC drivers when I first owned a TC (TC7821) as an 18 year old…he was all of 27 or 28 !! With my "fingers doing the walking" in the 'phone book, I located Bob's brother and then Bob's widow and son Graham. Both have been very helpful in finding photos from the 50's of the car in competition and with various young children "driving" it which show a wealth of detail. I have also been able to contact some of Bob's contemporaries in the early years of our club who have added some memories and colour to the history. Bob and the TC were member No. 4 when our club was first formed in January 1955 ! (original form in club archives) Photos of the car in the King Edward Park Hillclimb in 1955 and a motorkhana at Tomago airstrip in 1956 capture the spirit of the times.

Bob ran the car with the engine bored and sleeved to 1500cc and I have just completed the rebuilding of the engine,including new sleeves, TF1500 rods and a period competition camshaft.

TC import records from Ron Wards of Sydney are to hand and show that TC0489 was the 6th TC imported into N.S.W. and arrived here on S.S.Australia Star on 13th May 1946. As the 4th. Member of MGCC Newcastle and 6th TC in the state,I feel the car is an important piece of history and I am enjoying gradually bringing it back together. Perhaps in a about a year I can replicate a great photo I have of Bob Bunt sitting in it in 1954,with his son (who is near the same age and bears an uncanny resemblance), some 50 years on.

An interesting postscript, TC0489 was also owned for a time in the 60's by fellow Life Member of our club, Doug Rae.

Jeff Newey